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Thank you for your interest in The English School as an option for your child’s education. We are committed to helping families make the best choice. Therefore, in this web page you will find everything you need to know about the school.

The Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra and its educational establishments, The English Nursery and The English School, welcome students and families interested in belonging to an educational community committed to the education and integral development of their children. It is an invitation to be an active part of this community supporting its values and being aware of having an international, intercultural, democratic mindset that is respectful of the environment and compatible with the philosophy and strategic objectives of the FEI.

Why should you consider The English School?

We are leaders in the country in the implementation of International Baccalaureate programmes that allow us to offer a competitive international education. Therefore, students at The English School have an education that maximises their academic and personal potential and that promotes respect, solidarity, and responsibility as its central axis. Our greatest motivation is to offer students a holistic and comprehensive educational experience and that is why The English School educates children and young leaders who can make changes in society.

The admissions process for new students who want to study in the educational establishments of the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra is aimed at helping parents with the procedure and with the submission of the required documents to meet the deadline.

Additionally, we have tailored the admissions processes for each section: The English Nursery, Pre-School (Pre-Jardin, Jardin, and Transition), Primary, and Secondary. These processes are led by the Head of Admissions with the support of the Admissions Committee.