Do you know what the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra is?
The Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra is a non-profit organisation (ESAL) which owns two educational institutions: The English Nursery (a Kindergarten from 18 months to 3 years) and The English School (a school from 4 to 18 years – Pre-Jardin to Grade 11).
The Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra has a governance and leadership structure which is defined in its bylaws as follows:
- General Assembly
- Board of Directors
- Legal Representatives
- Secretary-General

Learn more about the structure of the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest governing body of the Foundation and is comprised of all its active members, i.e. those who exercise parental authority over the students enrolled in one of its educational establishments, The English Nursery or The English School.
The General Assembly has very specific functions such as, among others:
1) Appoint the members of the Board of Directors of the Foundation.
2) Appoint the Statutory Auditor
3) Examine, approve or disapprove the annual global budget, and examine the annual reports of the Board of Directors, the main Legal Representative, as well as the opinion of the Statutory Auditor.
4) Examine and approve the financial statements of each financial year of the Foundation.
6) Approve the amendments to the bylaws of the Foundation.
7) Decide on the creation of new educational establishments.
8) Establish general guidelines and directives for the management and administrative bodies to fulfil the Foundation's strategic objectives.
In this way, the General Assembly delegates the management and administration of the Foundation to other bodies.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the Foundation's highest governing body, in terms of good corporate governance practices, and its main function is to take the Foundation's fundamental strategic decisions to achieve its objectives.
The Board must ensure that the Foundation's strategic objectives are met, including ensuring its financial sustainability over time. In the case of the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra, the Board of Directors must be comprised of seven main members, four of whom must be active members of the Foundation and three of whom must be external persons (without parental authority over any student). In addition, the Board of Directors must have three alternate members.
Some of the functions of the Board of Directors are:
- To ensure the fulfilment of its strategic objectives.
- To lead and approve the strategic plan of the Foundation and its educational establishments.
- To develop, update and periodically monitor the general policies of the Foundation.
- To appoint, remove and evaluate the performance of the principal Legal Representative (Head of School-Rector).
- To monitor the financial situation of the Foundation and its educational establishments to ensure that its financial resources are used correctly and in accordance with its strategic objectives.
- To approve the global development plans, with their respective budgets, as well as the annual operating and investment plans and budgets, ensuring the financial stability of the Foundation and in accordance with the approved plans, to submit them for the consideration and final approval of the General Assembly.
Legal Representative
The legal representative's role is "to lead the organisation to fulfil the vision, mission and value promise of the educational institutions". This person is in charge of ensuring that the strategic plan is fulfilled and implemented.
In the case of the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra, the legal representative is also the Head of School-Rector of the educational establishments. Among his or her main functions are those of enforcing the strategy developed by the Foundation and, in turn, all the functions that, by law and by the bylaws, have to do with the proper functioning and management of the educational establishments.
The Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra has set itself the goal of having robust corporate governance with good practices that ensure the fulfilment of its mission, vision, strategic objectives and financial sustainability over time.
What is corporate governance?
Corporate governance is a set of policies, rules and processes by which an entity is governed to provide transparency in its management. At Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra, we seek to continue implementing good corporate governance practices to achieve Comprehensive Culture of Excellence, Committed Community “The English Way”, and Effective Governance and Financial Sustainability, incorporating control mechanisms that favour the management and achievement of the Foundation’s objectives.
It is good corporate governance practice for the Board of Directors to be comprised of external members who have no ties to the Foundation, who have extensive experience on boards of directors, who have extensive professional experience, and who are highly professional.
The FEI statutes establish, as an obligation, the need to have three (3) external members in the composition of the Board of Directors.
We invite you to review, in detail, the candidates running for the Board of Directors of the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra that will be published on 19th March 2025, taking into account their profiles and the functions they will have to assume once they are members of this governing body, to strengthen their decision-making capacities and strategic vision.

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