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A teacher working at The English School is an active part of the educational community and fully participates in the institutional mission, seeking excellence and showing the following values: responsibility, respect, honesty, civility, solidarity, discernment, collaboration, constancy, and loyalty.
The English School teacher knows and accepts the philosophy of the school, has a sense of belonging, identifies with the core values, and is committed to the personal and academic educational goals that can be achieved through school work.
The English School teacher studies and commits time and effort to constant updating, both in the area of knowledge and in pedagogical and didactic knowledge. He/she appreciates the importance of careful planning and develops it with the highest school academic standards.
The English School teacher knows the students personally and reaches out to them as human beings, identifying the characteristics of the ages he/she teaches, managing the discipline of the groups in an appropriate and positive way, recognising the mistakes of the students, providing opportunities for growth and reflection, and showing consistency between the philosophy of the school and the application of rules.
The English School teacher is a role model for the students, being this feature essential for their education. He/she treats all colleagues with professionalism, demonstrates a high sense of respect for dignity in the daily relationships, and is able to discuss his/her ideas.
The English School teacher is coherent in regard to his/her thoughts and actions, and is also creative, flexible, organised, and punctual. He/she plans with thoroughness and anticipation, demands compliance with the Community Handbook, is a team worker, and offers all his/her professional capacity to achieve the proposed goals.

In addition to the specific requirements for each position within the academic structure and the duties included in the Community Handbook, all teachers at The English School must have the following:

  • Knowledge, mastery, and must believe in the school’s Educational Project and in the Community Handbook in particular.
  • A clear sense of belonging towards the institution.
  • Communication skills, leadership skills, excellent group management, and teamwork skills.
  • Capacity and disposition for proper conflict management.
  • Ongoing training to offer the best to his/her department and thus, to the students.
  • Easiness to establish cordial and respectful relationships with students, colleagues, heads, subordinates, and in general with all members of the Foundation’s community..
  • Teachers must also meet the profile of the IB learning community.
  • Foreign teachers who wish to apply for a job vacancy must show proof of academic background and over two-years teaching experience in IB schools.