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  • <img src="" alt="" width="5%" height="auto" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-615" style="vertical-align: middle;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 20px;"/><h1 style="display: contents;margin-right:20px;" align="center"></h1> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <h3 class="t-acor" style="display: contents" align="center">COMPREHENSIVE CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE</h3>

    Objective: To achieve academic excellence

    • To provide world-class, competitive, educational programmes, tools, and a broad, comprehensive, and balanced curriculum that guarantees the fulfilment of our mission statement.
    • To achieve outstanding results in both IB and national assessments for all sections.
    • To strengthen co-curricular programmes and activities that enable students to explore and develop specific personal interests.


    Objective: To encourage artistic and athletic excellence

    • To support “all school” activities that stimulate artistic and talent development (plays, concerts, and exhibitions).
    • To develop a competitive and comprehensive athletics programme that integrates sports education as part of student well-being and encourages competitiveness while balancing academic excellence.


    Objective: To strengthen personal leadership

    • To actively promote strategies and policies that enhance leadership and global citizenship qualities.
    • To foster social and environmental responsibility and awareness.
    • To expand programmes for emotional and learning support, differentiation, well-being, mutual respect, anti-bullying, child protection, and positive behaviour throughout all school sections.
    • To promote positive discipline to teach students to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their communities to foster learning of social and life skills.


    Objective: To foster the ability to innovate

    • To promote an innovation ecosystem by providing access to design and disruptive thinking, digital frameworks, cutting-edge technology, and STEM research.

  • <img src="" alt="" width="5%" height="auto" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-615" style="vertical-align: middle;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 20px;"/><h1 style="display: contents;margin-right:20px;" align="center"></h1> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <h3 class="t-acor" style="display: contents" align="center">COMMITTED COMMUNITY “THE ENGLISH WAY”</h3>

    Objective: To build a strong sense of community

    • To promote ownership of the “English Way” principles and values by developing a creative plan that inspires a strong sense of school spirit throughout the community.
    • To engage in and encourage all stakeholders to actively participate in school organs and activities.


    Objective: To embrace intercultural learning model

    • To strengthen internationalism and global citizenship as defining features of school identity in everyday life and through the school curriculum.
    • To provide our students with every opportunity to be immersed in an international environment by progressively increasing the number of international students and faculty, and to encourage global internships and exchanges.

    Objective: To prioritise the well-being and care for all students

  • <img src="" alt="" width="4%" height="auto" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-615" style="vertical-align: middle;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 20px;"/><h1 style="color:#0e3192; display: contents;margin-right:40px;" align="center"></h1> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <h3 class="t-acor" style="color:#0e3192; display: contents" align="center">EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY</h3>

    Objective: To promote effective corporate governance

    • To develop a strict adherence to a robust corporate governance structure that provides a strong foundation to support the Guiding principles
    • To implement clear and well-communicated processes that allow for the effective administration of the school.

    Objective: To strive for financial sustainability and transparency

    • To promote strong financial planning and accountability.
    • To develop a world-class infrastructure and school services that meet the highest possible quality and safety requirements.
    • To strengthen a communications and marketing strategy that enhances the school’s reputation.

    Objective: Professional development

    • To encourage a continuous professional development for all teachers and support staff.
    • To stimulate the “Comprehensive Culture of Excellence“ principles and practices through assessment, performance management, incentives, and training.

    Board Of Directors
