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Welcome to the Primary Section (Grades 1 to 4) of The English School. The Primary section provides a safe environment that fosters intellectual, innovative, creative, artistic, and physical development.

Our highly qualified and committed teachers encourage our students to be passionate and enthusiastic about their learning. This integral approach comprises a challenging curriculum, that includes Language (Spanish and English), Social Studies, Sciences, Mathematics, and Ethics. Students stay fit and healthy through our personal, social, and physical education programme, experiencing as well an approach to art, music, and drama in inspiring classes delivered by specialised teachers.

We are authorised since 2008 to implement the Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organisation. Within this inquiry-based curriculum, we provide students with a foundation of essential concepts, knowledge, skills, and attributes.

Learning Support is offered to those students who require additional support in English, Spanish, and Mathematics. Additionally, the Creative Minds programme challenges students through creative and enriching experiences. We foster differentiated instruction strategies to meet individual needs and interests taking into account that children have their own unique learning styles and progress at their own pace.

Our students also get hands-on access to technology and innovation through our e-learning plan that enriches the educational experience by improving flexibility and creativity, encouraging learning through high-quality teaching practices. Coding is part of the curriculum and ensures in our students the development of necessary skills for the 21st century. The pedagogical project is also framed within the concept of internationalism and it aims to develop citizens of the world in relation to culture, language, and ethnic groups. We foster the students’ development of human values, encouraging respect for diversity and collaboration. The Dignity and Mutual Respect and the KiVa Antibullying programmes inspire students to be respectful and tolerant, creating an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable and safe.

We offer a great variety of extracurricular activities addressed to develop different talents. These activities take place after school from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

We are all looking forward to fulfilling our mission statement by offering academic excellence and high-quality learning in a happy and safe environment, creating confident leaders who act with integrity. Our students develop a social conscience, care for the environment, and are capable of transforming their surroundings in a positive way.

Iraida de la Torre

Interim Head of Primary

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